What is this campaign about?

"Embers of Hope: Embracing Life in an Age of Ecological Destruction and Climate Chaos" is about taking care of the life around us and empowering everyday acts to strengthen our communities.

Our intention is to provide free copies of "Embers of Hope" to activists who are supporting Mother Earth and their communities and who would not otherwise be able to afford these books.

Funds were raised through a crowd-funding campaign. Please note that Bonita will only be reimbursed to cover the printing cost and any shipping for these books, and she will make NO profit on the books in this campaign. As the official crowd-funding campaign is now closed, please contact Bonita directly to make a donation.

How do I request a book? Who is this intended for?

You can fill out this Free Book Request Form for yourself or on behalf of someone else. Details are in the form.

It is possible that we will receive more requests than we have funds for, so priority will be given to:

  • Folks whose environmental activism impacts a community or a group (for example, the book request might be for a working group, a group that leads teach-ins or organises actions, or a community group with a book-lending shelf).

  • Indigenous activists (because I am very grateful to my Anishinabe teachers, and the land where I live is unceded Anishinabe-Algonquin territory).

  • Other activists who experience oppression and/or a lack of privilege due to capitalism, colonialism, patriarchy, and/or white supremacy.

Please help spread the word about the fundraiser and the free books for low-income activists.